Boarding / Hostels / Second Home

“That ICPA (Aust) advocates to the Federal Ministers for Education and the National Disability Insurance Scheme, and other relevant ministers, for additional financial support to schools for students with a disability from rural and remote areas, who have no choice for their education but to go to boarding school.”


Currently students who attend boarding schools who have no other educational option and who require additional support in the boarding house due to a disability diagnosis do not have access to funding for support.

There should be an additional payment made to schools as a supplement to ‘Individual Disability Education’ funding to support the specific needs of a student living with disability in the residential boarding house system.  

These vulnerable and rural and remote students are supported in the school, but in many schools are left to navigate the complexities of a boarding house alone, and without appropriate support.  

Brave are the families who try to educate the geographically isolated kids with a disability, this journey is full of hope and dreams for an inclusive education for our kids who will need it the most to navigate the complexities of life. Braver are the kids who give it a go.

We want all our geographically isolated kids to have an equal opportunity for education.

We urge you to pass this motion to support students with disability and to ensure their needs are being met in boarding houses across Australia through the provision of funding that offers an equal and inclusive opportunity to education.